farmersmanual – slonkocytes – dynatropes
Thanks for keeping electronic music interesting!
[blitstikler, private communication, 2023]
farmersmanual is a self-generating memeplex lazily self-organised around the enterprise of doped-out electronics. Since 1996 it has been evolving as a subsurface autopoetic process with erratic overt activity consistently transmitting a unique quality of pathology and beauty skimming the bow-wave of mainstream aesthetics.
welcome to the universe of farmersmanual. we love universes that doesn’t fall apart two days later. est. 95, applied variantology, no backup, exploders we. ㎙᪲
farmersmanual. 1990年代の活動開始以来、電子音楽のカッティングエッジな美学を体現してきたアート・コレクティブ。そのパンクなリリース群は、音楽の可能性を拡張し、歴史を変えた。既成概念をハックし続けるアティチュードは、現在に至るまで、多くのアーティストに強大な影響を与え続けている。
farmersmanual. Since its inception in the 1990s, the art collective has embodied the cutting edge aesthetics of electronic music. Its punk releases have expanded the possibilities of music and changed history. Their attitude of continuously hacking away at preconceived notions has continued to exert a powerful influence on many artists to this day.
Bauernhandbuch. Seit seiner Gründung in den 1990er Jahren verkörpert das Kunstkollektiv die innovative Ästhetik der elektronischen Musik. Seine Punk-Veröffentlichungen haben die Möglichkeiten der Musik erweitert und die Geschichte verändert. Die Haltung, die immer wieder auf vorgefasste Meinungen einhackt, übt bis heute einen starken Einfluss auf viele Künstler aus.
… one of the most important and radical electronic and visual arts groups in Europe …
[cafe oto]
Farmers Manual is an electronic music and visual art group, founded in Vienna in the beginning of the 1990s.
Farmers Manual were successfully crossing the boundaries between electronic music, live visuals, experimental graphics, and web design for Zeta Industries.
Thus far Farmers Manual has been used as a group name, track title, album title in FM, and label generate and test.
Totally Fantastic. Intruiging stasis – within textures of sound. Beatsmashing techno – evolvement. And love – for the surroundings!
[RadarBlue August 26, 2002, Comment on discogs]
Austrian electronic experimentalists Farmer Manual comprise a casual collective of musicians, DJs, computer geeks, and net freaks who count music as only one of a number of ongoing projects. The group’s identity is as mysterious as the periodic transmissions from their Vienna studios (which began appearing in 1996), but their releases have managed to capture an international audience for their strident bird-flip to dance-based electronic music convention. Released by labels such as Mego, Ash, and Ash sublabel Tray, titles such as “FM,” “fsck,” and No Backup (a CD+ title and Mego’s first full-length production) have pushed the envelope of musical intelligibility well off the map, spraying burbling, obverse rhythmic structures with blasts of noise and distortion, closely paralleling the approach of Panasonic or more recent Autechre. The group’s full-length debut, No Backup, is a collection of drawn-out discombobulations of standard rhythmic and melodic structures, while the 12-inch only “FM” (meant as the vinyl alternative to the CD, but featuring none of the same tracks) contains more than a dozen brief sketches of minimal electro, many ending in lock-grooves (the tracks’ bare repetition tend to beg the question of why they bothered with anything beyond a lock in the first place, but…). The group have also dabbled in drum’n’bass-style rhythmic programming (most prominently on their Tray 12-inch “Fsck”) and have conducted a number of live Internet broadcasts via their handsome website (at
[Sean Cooper, Rovi]
Farmersmanual is a distinguished, pan-European, multisensory disturbance conglomerate. musical and technological instruments for improvisation, network visualization and sonification. performances and remote collaboration and forms of documentation that prolong the idea of openness and reinterpretation. continuously expanding. TOTAL AUTOMATION vs. HUMAN INTERACTION. seeking to shift the local atmosphere from dissolution and clumsiness through manual change and ecstatic fiddling into an imaginative state of complex monotony, structured calm and chill, or endless associative babbling. so that towards the end the authors become the audience and the audience can be confronted with a stage populated by machines infinitely rendering a stream of slight semantic madness. with the help of extreme frequencies and distorted, flickering images. 3. Extracting a shadow from the skeleton of network flow. A layer of technological reality usually hidden becomes accessible through mediation into sound and visual flicker. Erratically shifting from chittering machines into the human realm. Replay in different Farmersmanual. multisensory disturbance communication, electromagnetism, nuclear fusion and ecstatic ification, tools for near instantaneous endless possible through local atmospace delay. It is thetic and politich cant global Scalishifting from chittext? the cause of all polycause. towards the echo of the hypopulated only which move away from frequencies and stage created at the end. the title for the fractures. linear shifts of the localing wave.
[Biography for Waves exhibition 2006]
FARMERSMANUAL [AT] / FRI 26 / 7.30pm - Late
Farmersmanual is a pan-European, multisensory disturbance conglomerate creating new instruments for improvisation, networked performances and remote collaboration, developing ways of recording that encourage openness and reinterpretation.
Farmersmanual have created a series of performances and installations since 1996, continuously expanding their performance and publishing practice from music concerts to interdisciplinary cultural, aesthetic and political experiments, which move away from static representations of art and culture, towards environments where the public becomes an essential part of the work. Their latest experiments focus on integrating virtual and physical space to create synaesthetical objects, presenting an interconnected, holistic view of the world by layering sensual experiences.
Extracting a shadow from the skeleton of network flow. A layer of technological reality usually hidden becomes accessible through mediation into sound and visual flicker. Erratically shifting from chittering machines into the human realm. Replay in different timescales. Different times. Different speeds. Useless information still unpredictable.
During Ultrasound, Farmersmanual will produce a networked concert between Huddersfield and elsewhere.
constituted 94 – vienna
members: hog smith, yuri per nesusipratima, smet van hoek plus occasional temporary external virtual contributors
homebase: badlands
“Formed in Vienna in the mid-1990’s, the farmersmanual collective represents media art at its most anarchistic. While being best-known for their recordings, in recent years the group have shifted their emphasis towards extensive live performances, in which imaginative computer animation, synchronized with ‘chaos-particle-accelerating’ music, and the overall ambience of uncontrollable technology form a seamless whole.”
(anton nikkilä,
“there were the cacophonous bleeps and burps from Austrian group farmersmanual’s “ship of fools” sailing the canals.”
(TIME mag.,07/2001)
with the aid of electronic computers, the composer becomes a sort of pilot: pressing buttons, introducing coordinates, and supervising the controls of a cosmic vessel sailing in the space of sound, across sonic constellations and galaxies that could formerly be glimpsed only in a distant dream.
(Iannis Xenakis 1971)
Manuela Framer
This is Manuela, another identity rewrite emerging from pure wordplay on the project name. The precise origin of the picture is unknown. Reverse image search did not yield a result. If you are that person, please be in touch. Chat with Manu on Facebook
Three gas cartridges (MEGO 017)
A picture of three gas cartridges of different shape and color shade. The first press foto going along with the MEGO 017 fm album release.